Today, I've completed the last arrangement missing for the Vivaldi Metal Project, Summer’s 1st movement (Allegro). Here how it looks like: the YouTube trailer got a Piano+Pads introduction and a very Symphonic Metal subsequent section up to the end with another Piano+Soprano Voice interlude around the middle of the song... in the end the Solo section before the real ending as on the Vivaldi's original score. That's it.. :)
To date, all the arrangements for the 12 movements from Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” have been completed! Mission greatly achieved by arrangers: Douglas R. Docker, Francesco Dall’O', Frank Caruso, Gabriels, Keiko Kumagai, Mistheria, Nicolas Waldo, Pawel Penksa, Tomas Varnagiris, Yannis Androulakakis, Zhivko Koev.
If you would like to book your album and support the project, there are a lot of sxclusives available to choose from! Here you go:
More info about the project at:
#DouglasRDockerFrancescoDallO39FrankCarusoGabrielsKeikoKumagaiMistheriaNicolasWaldoPawelPenksaTomasVarnagirisYannisAndroulakakisZhivkoKoev #FrancescoDallO39 #FrankCaruso #Gabriels #KeikoKumagai #NicolasWaldo #Mistheria #PawelPenksa #TomasVarnagiris #YannisAndroulakakis #ZhivkoKoev #VivaldiMetalProject #Arrangements