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Writer's pictureMistheria

'Dirty Days' - Unreleased song by Mistheria and Maxe Freeman on Artistco

"DIRTY DAYS" is a song written and recorded in 2001 and never released.

Composed by Mistheria and Maxe Freeman. Recorded (as demo) by Mistheria (keyboards), Maxe Freeman (vocals, guitar, bass) and Roby De Vincentis (drums), it was never released. The song had to be part of an album that, unfortunately for various reasons, it was never made.

Mistheria & Maxe Freeman - Dirty Days

Here's a preview for no fan yet, my fans can listen to full song:

This is a song that, however, has always moved me and I wanted to share it with you now. Shared on my Artistco profile exclusively for my hard-to-die fans!


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